Julian Calendar: The conventional calendar that begins on January 1st and ends on December 31st. When using this calendar type to look at the change in weather variables compared to the year prior, the month and date selected will be the exact same month and date used for comparison. For example, if January 1st, 2019 is selected, it will be compared to January 1st, 2018.
Retail Calendar: The 4-5-4 calendar ensures sales comparability between years by dividing the year into months based on a 4 weeks-5 weeks-4 weeks format, starting in February running till the following January. The layout of the calendar lines up holidays and ensures the same number of Saturdays and Sundays in comparable months. Hence, like days are compared to like days for sales reporting purposes. For example, if the first Saturday of the retail February 2019 (February 9th, 2019) is selected, it will be compared to the first Saturday of the retail February 2018 (February 10th, 2018). *Note, during 53-week years, this calendar DOES NOT use the restated 53-week year for comparisons and instead ignores the 53rd week for comparability. In 53-week year the comparison to last year is a fiscal week to same fiscal week comparison. The difference can be as many as 5 or 6 days between years.
Restated Retail Calendar: Like the Retail Calendar, except when comparing to 53-week years, the Restated 53-week year is used. This is accomplished by pushing each week of the 53-week year back one week, thereby ignoring the first week of the fiscal year. This comparison matches this week to the most similar date week from the year prior. February 10, 2018 is matched to February 11, 2017
Retail Non-Restated Comparison

Retail Restated Comparison