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U.S. Radar
U.S. Watches/Warnings
Ocean Temp
Ocean Temp Anomaly
Ocean Temp Vs LY
Mean Temp
Mean Vs LY (Julian)
Mean Vs LY (Julian)
Mean Vs LY (Retail)
Mean Vs LY (Retail)
Mean Vs Avg
Mean Vs Avg
Max Temp
Max Vs LY (Julian)
Max Vs LY (Julian)
Max Vs LY (Retail)
Max Vs LY (Retail)
Max Vs Avg
Max Vs Avg
Min Temp
Min Vs LY (Julian)
Min Vs LY (Julian)
Min Vs LY (Retail)
Min Vs LY (Retail)
Min Vs Avg
Min Vs Avg
Total Precipitation
Prcp Vs LY (Julian)
Prcp Vs LY (Retail)
Prcp Vs Avg
Max Humidity
Min Humidity
UV Index
Sunshine Hours
Wave Heights
Wind Speed
Show Map
Active Overlays
Tropical Depression
< 39 mph
< 34 knots
Tropical Storm
39 - 73 mph
34 - 63 knots
Hurricane - Category 1
74 - 95 mph
64 - 82 knots
Hurricane - Category 2
96 - 110 mph
83 - 95 knots
Major Hurricane - Category 3
111 - 130 mph
96 - 113 knots
Major Hurricane - Category 4
131 - 155 mph
114 - 135 knots
Major Hurricane - Category 5
> 155 mph
> 135 knots
1) Double click on the map or use your mouse's scroll wheel to zoom in on a region of interest.
2) Single click anywhere on the map to choose a forecast point
3) Click the "SHOW ME" button below to retrieve your forecast.